The 2020 Virginia International Tattoo was celebrated online this year.

Turn on the Taps 2020: Virtual Virginia International Tattoo Experience.
- Arriving in Norfolk and preparing Scope Arena for the Tattoo production-Planes, trains, automobiles, forklifts and cranes!
SUNDAY, April 26
- First day of rehearsals – Rehearsing here, there & everywhere.
MONDAY, April 27
- Education outreach – Visiting performers share their talent and culture with children.
- Second day of rehearsals – Sometimes rehearsals don’t go as planned.
TUESDAY, April 28
- Side-by-side rehearsals and performances
- Community Engagement – Spreading the Tattoo spirit with the community.
- VIT Special Audience Night – Dress rehearsal is open for a special audience
- First Student Matinee – A fantastic experience for over 6,000 excited kids and 1,000 talented performers.
- First performance is done, time for fun! – Behind the scenes fun. Where is Bob’s hat?
THURSDAY, April 30
- Second Student Matinee – Over 6,000 MORE kids attend the Tattoo. Wheels on the bus go round and round!
- NATO Night at the Tattoo – NATO Flag Raising ceremony on Scope Plaza.
- Celebrate the WWII veterans Opening Night Celebration.
- Third Student Matinee – A fun lesson in Celtic Culture and funny student suggestions for improving the Tattoo.
- Hullabaloo – A party on Scope Plaza before the Tattoo? Count me in! CHEERS!
- DrumLine Battle – Virtual DrumLine Battles, YOU choose the winner.
- 2016 Tattoo on TV Pre-show.
- 2016 Tattoo on WHRO
- Norfolk NATO FESTIVAL’S Parade of Nations – Everyone loves this annual Downtown Norfolk parade, including the hundreds of Tattoo performers who participate each year.
- DrumLine Battle on a Battleship – The Battleship Wisconsin is an amazing location for DrumLine Battle.
- VIT American Pipe Band Championship – Highlights from 4 years of footage including Inveraray & District Pipe Band and Police Scotland Fife Pipe Band.
- VIT Virtual Salute to the Greatest Generation. The Tattoo honors World War II veterans in spectacular fashion. Special appearance by Joe Galloway.